Pharmaceutical distribution in France


this is the rank occupied by the French pharmaceutical market at the global level (Source: IQVIA)


this is rank occupied by the French pharmaceutical market in Europe just behind Germany (Source: LEEM)


Bn€ : this is the value of the total drug market in France (+3.5% growth in 2020 vs 2019) excluding exports (Source: LEEM)


Bn€: this is the value of the drug market in pharmacies in France (+0.6% growth in 2020 vs 2019) excluding exports (Source: LEEM)


Bn€: this is the value of the family medication market in France (OTC drugs, medical devices, food supplements) (Source : NERES)

To each patient or client that we are, to obtain their health products in pharmacies or hospitals, it is necessary to set an accurate pharmaceutical distribution channel:

La distribution pharmaceutique en France

  • Pharmaceutical companies manufacture, market, and sell their health products through 4 different distribution channels:
    1. Hospitals
    2. Pharmacies
    3. Wholesalers
    4. Buying groups (excluding drugs)

Les grossistes répartiteurs

They allow pharmacies to stock up quickly by supplying at least twice a day all pharmacies in France even if the average purchase price is often higher (considering the wholesaler margin) but without a minimum of quantity per order.

  • Buying groups offer the purchase of non-drug products. Like the wholesaler-distribution model, they offer the best purchase price for the pharmacist by limiting the minimum quantity require for each order. Some buying groups are open while others require to be a pharmacy membership. 
  • Pharmacies can therefore obtain direct supplies from the pharmaceutical companies, wholesaler or buying groups. With different purchasing conditions depending on the distribution channel to better ensure for their patients, a short delivery time at the best final price

Do not appear, here pharmacy groups. Indeed, pharmacies are increasingly joined together in groups of pharmacies to increase their negotiation power. At national or regional level, they concern most pharmacies in France.

Aussi n’apparaissent pas, des acteurs de plus en plus présents sur le marché pharmaceutique : les groupements de pharmacie. En effet, les officines se regroupent de plus en plus en groupement de pharmacies pour optimiser leurs processus d’achat entre autres. Nationaux ou régionaux, ils rassemblent la plupart des pharmacies de France.

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