Customer Orchestred Relationship


Simon Sinek, « people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it »

« les clients n’achètent pas ce que vous faites, ils achètent pourquoi vous le faites ».

In other words the most important is the story that you tell with your product, brand or service. Your story should be relevant, clear and ambitious.

At Pharmadvisor, we state the definition of orchestrating is to reach an objective by planning and coordinating different elements to produce a desired effect or result and to provide an exceptional or incredible customer experience.

The basis of the customer experience for a company is to provide, in addition to your products, personalized services in order to enrich the life or the journey of each customer with a memorable event.

Orchestration de la relation client dans le monde pharmaceutique

At Amazon, the customer experience is a continuous process focused around 3 drivers: understanding and anticipating the needs of their customers and simplifying their buying journey. To do this, Amazon invests heavily in technology to improve the experience of their customers: personalized shopping journey, efficient customer service and unbelievable delivery service.

Another example, Accor has created an “All” program (which could be summarized as at home) based on an integrated CRM to deliver several interactions throughout the journey of their customers.

Providing a positive, extraordinary experience to your customers is an essential lever for optimizing their loyalty, transforming them into ambassadors for your brand, in other words, making them choose you beyond any rational consideration.

Orchestrating your customer relationship can therefore be expressed by the LUA2 formula:

  • Listen to define the framework, insight and identity card of each of your customers
  • Understand to identify the 3 driving forces of your solution: Premium, Personalization, Digitalization
  • Analyze in real time to anticipate the evolving needs of your client by setting up impactful and probable scenarios
  • Act using data, data and always data to measure and make it reproductible

Your customers expect to be guided to achieve their goals. Why register in the present time? Use real-time data to Analyze behavior, Predict and Identify your best actions to implement to Personalize the experience of each of your customers.

In the pharmaceutical environment, sales health products and solutions directly, to the final consumer is often not possible. Consequently, regardless of our first client, doctor, pharmacist, payers, patient, you must focus on how to transform your purchaser client into a prescriber client?

To do this, reassessing the experience of your customers versus your competitors through their journeys is a great help by asking yourself a question: what impact does my solution have on the prescribing behavior of my customer?

The Assets-Attractions Matrix is ​​an important resource here.

You can also use indicator such as the NPS (Net Promoter Score) to know the level of your customer to recommend your solution, brand or product.

In conclusion, to set up a successful Orchestred customer relationship in your company, make sure to put in place:

  1. A data collection infrastructure
  2. A personalized contact program for each client (before, during and after the contact)
  3. A simple following indicator to be able to reproduce the result obtained

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