Evolution of sales forces in pharmaceutical companies


Considering that 50% of the Healthcare Professionals are dissatisfy of interactions they have with pharmaceutical companies’ sales reps, they remember their simple expectations:

  1. To Save time
  2. To obtain useful information
  3. To have a sale act well execute

A medical Sales Reps repeating monthly the same message will sature and limit the acceptation of its physician.

A pharmaceutical sales reps using only a order aids will not bring added value to its pharmacists in regards to the given time.

sales forces need to make their revolution if they want to have a high behavior purchase impact on physicians and pharmacists. Therefore, they need to support HCP to perform their daily practice in bringing more high added value services to have an extraordinary customer experience.

Personalized Orchestred Customer Relationship (POCR), represent the joining customer-seller effort to be addressed depending on the content, the channel and the call frequency.

At Pharmadvisor we considered 4 channels

  • Phoning
  • Video conference
  • Personalized e-mailing
  • In person interaction (face-to-face)

As the face-to-face meeting is the more impactful call, each interaction at least to be made in the best conditions for a maximal customer conversion rate

2 key indicators to assess the efficiency of our face-to-face interaction:

Deux indicateurs essentiels peuvent en valider l’efficience :

  1. A Key quality execution indicator based on the quality of each interaction with systematic feedback given by the customers (at least 1 / year) mainly in case of expected future client just converted
  2. A key performance indicator like the number of clients gain to the brand (for example in case of pharmacy)

The transformation is in progress… to be continue!

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